The Main Thing Keeping You From Reducing Your Pain, Inflammation and Weight 
The 11 days jumpstart is for the mum (or any person) who:
  • Has Spinal (Back & Neck) and Joint Pains
  • Has Nerve pains
  • Is on medication for Chronic diseases (joint & spine pain, nerve pains, diabetes, blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, etc)
  • Has hormonal imbalances 
  • Is stressed at work
  • Is tired & exhausted (even to the point of fatigue)
  • Feels drained out of energy
  • Has brain fog & is forgetful
  • Wants to loose weight & the sugar cravings but doesn't know how without the fad diets & starving herself
If this is you then .... 

This is a specially customised 11 day jumpstart to get back your health and energy! For those of you with Back, Neck, Nerve & Joint pain we will go through simple yet effective exercises for these and easy tips to achieve & maintain a good posture. I will guide you for the 11 days while you are HEALING yourself from the inside out and getting rid of the toxins while eating healthy (NOT starving!). There is even brownies and other sweets in there ... seriously, this program is like nothing you have ever seen before. 

And you’re about to find out how to actually accomplish your health goal in about 5 mins (when you get the PDF).

Now, let’s GO! 👇

Xo Swati

Reason for interest in Jumpstart (weight loss, any health issues, etc - feel free to elaborate)
Where/How did you hear about the Jumpstart?

© Swati Prakash