How can you avoid Back Pain while working from home?
Work from home is the new normal for most of us after the pandemic. Most people don't have an office setup at home, that includes ergonomic chairs and comfortable desks. You may have a make shift desk or using the dining table to work from. Even if you have the same set up as your office, it is not uncommon to have back pain while sitting for long hours for office work. 
Here is a free guide to help you to avoid back pain while working from home.
Here are some simple tips on how to avoid back pain while working from home:

1. If you sit for long hours for work, try to take mini-breaks every 20-30 minutes, even if it is just for a couple of seconds. Get up, walk around, and then sit back down. When we sit for more than 20 minutes in prolonged static (without moving) positions the stresses on the disc (present between the vertebra that make up our spine) goes up quite a fair bit and when you continue to sit longer than 20 minutes this can lead to back pain in the long run or aggravate your existing back pain. So try and move every 15 to 20 minutes. An easy way to move every 15 to 20 minutes is to take a walk around your office, fetch a drink of water (you get to hydrate as well… not a bad situation, eh?) However when you are stuck in a meeting or watching a movie or any situation when you cant get up to walk around, you can shuffle around in your chair or shift your weight from one side of your bottom to the other or cross and uncross your legs. 

2. Always sit right back into your chair, with your back fully supported. If your chair is too deep then place a pillow or lumbar support behind your back. Alternatively, if you own an adjustable office chair you can adjust the lumbar support to the level of the deepest part of your lumbar curve. This avoids fatigue in the back and spinal muscles and thus avoids slouching into your chair. 

3. When sitting, 
try using a stool or a shoe box under your feet to avoid them from dangling in the air. The angle between your thighs and legs (at the knees) should be approximately 90 degrees.

4. If you have the habit of crossing your legs over or crossing one leg under your bottom, make sure you balance it out by doing the same on the other side as well. 

5. Try to apply a cold pack when you feel that niggle of pain before the full blown back pain starts. Alternatively if you don't feel this niggle then apply the cold pack as soon as the pain starts and don't wait for it to build up on itself. A cold pack helps to ease the inflammation in the back and ease the pain. Use a hot pack if you feel stiffness in the neck or a spasm (tightness) in your back muscles. Heat helps to relieve the spasm as it increases the blood circulation to the area. 
Do you need help to manage and avoid back pain while working from home?

Join my free community where you can access the free training on "Simple Solutions to Manage your Back Pain" that helps you understand your back pain better and also gives you practical yet simple strategies to manage your back pain.