What Are The Symptoms of a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI)?
Repetitive stress injuries are also known as RSI or cumulative trauma disorders or overuse syndrome. RSI is a term used for injuries in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and/or overuse.
Interestingly most of the newer medical terms such as Blackberry thumb, iPod finger, PlayStation thumb, Rubik’s wrist or cuber’s thumb, stylus finger, raver’s wrist, and Emacs pinky are all forms of RSI. 
RSI can affect almost any movable part of the human body. RSIs are associated with repetitive actions, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, and sustained or awkward positions. They can arise from multiple causes and thus cause a wide range of possible symptoms. Some of the general symptoms are:
  • Tenderness or pain in the inflamed muscle or joint or ligament
  • A throbbing sensation in the affected area
  • Tingling numbness or altered sensation in the arms or legs. 
  • Lack or loss of strength 
RSI’s are commonly seen in :
  • People who use computers for a prolonged period of time. 
  • Professions that involve repetitive actions, such as supermarket checkout attendants can develop Carpal tunnel syndrome or hairstylists can develop de Quervain’s tenosynovitis in the thumb.
  • Handymen using vibrating equipment are also prone to RSIs such as rotator cuff injuries.
  • Sports such as tennis or golf that involve repetitive movements can lead to RSIs such as tennis elbow or golfers elbow.
  • Poor posture and stress can further contribute to RSIs. 
Watch this video to learn 4 easy tips to manage your RSI's:

If you are suffering from spinal (back & neck) and joint pains due to repetitive stress injuries and want to learn more tips to manage them join my free community where we discuss these topics in a judgement free and friendly group. 

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