Is your pillow causing your Headache? 3 tips to manage this

Is your pillow causing your Headache? 3 tips to manage this
Many a times we go through the whole day headache-free but we wake up within a few hours of sleeping or in the morning with a headache. We haven’t been ‘using’ our neck at night when we are sleeping. So what might have caused this headache .... have you ever wondered if this maybe caused by your pillow? In this blog we will discuss how can your pillow cause headaches and 3 tips to manage this ....

How Can You Relieve Your Neck Pain?

How Can You Relieve Your Neck Pain?
There are  quite a few physical pains and challenges that come with being a mum starting from your pregnancy to the early years of motherhood. Mums with younger kids tend to have their hands full when they are at home, along with long working hours, meetings, work related travel etc. All of these can lead to neck pains or aggravate existing neck pains. Sometimes mums tend to learn to live with the pain but these neck pains can be managed better with some simple and easy solutions. 
We will discuss the common reasons for neck pain followed by these simple solutions to manage them better ....

5 Easy Ways to Relieve your Carpal Tunnel (Wrist) Pain

5 Easy Ways to Relieve your Carpal Tunnel (Wrist) Pain
As mums we use our hands extensively whether we are at home or at work. This could be typing on your keyboard, sending off those long corporate emails or changing diapers or holding your toddler or driving your kids to classes, etc etc … the list goes on and on! It is not uncommon for mums to suffer from wrist and hand pain (Carpal tunnel syndrome) either due to over use of their hands or fluid retention during pregnancy.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by irritation or compression of the Median Nerve. This is one of the many nerves that originates in our neck (cervical spine) and supplies your thumb, ring and index finger along with a part of the ring finger. The median nerve passes through a narrow tunnel made of the wrist bones, known as the carpal tunnel. If there is a swelling or inflammation of the median nerve due to overuse, pregnancy or fracture, it can rub against these bones in the tunnel and start to produce symptoms of pain or burning or tingling numbness or a nerve pain down the wrist and hand. 
In this blog we will discuss 5 easy ways to relieve your Carpal Tunnel pain that you can implement today .....

Why is my back/neck painful at the end of the day?

Why is my back/neck painful at the end of the day?
Back and neck pains have become a part of everyday life for many people but did you know that pains at different times of the day may be a direct reflection of our daily habits and postures?
Many people suffer from pain at the end of the day despite being relatively pain free through the day. This implies that there has to be some kind of a trigger during the day that causes the pain to flare up at the end of the day. In some cases the pain can even flare up by late afternoon or early evening in people who start the day early in the morning. 
In this blog we will explore why this happens and how we can avoid it with simple and easy solutions .... 

Aching Pain in Neck and Shoulders? Here's How to Fix It

Aching Pain in Neck and Shoulders? Here's How to Fix It
Do you have a pain in your neck that just won't go away? How about tension headaches or a stiff shoulder? If so, you're not alone. Aching pain in neck and shoulders can be quite frustrating. It can make it difficult to concentrate at work, or even get a good night's sleep. Millions of people suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain. In this blog post, we'll discuss the causes of neck and shoulder pain, and we'll provide some tips on how to fix it! .....
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