Ten features to look out for when choosing an Adjustable Standing desk

Ten features to look out for when choosing an Adjustable Standing desk
Human bodies are not made for static postures. We are meant to move every few minutes. However modern lifestyles mean sitting at the desk job for eight plus hours every single day, with little to a few breaks in between. Even when we are actively working while sitting our lower body is static. 
The best option is to change postures intermittently, moving often from sitting to standing using an adjustable standing desk through your work hours, giving the required breaks to your joints and muscles, while being your most productive self. 
Here are ten features to look out for when choosing an adjustable standing desk for your office space ....


What is your knee pain telling you?

What is your knee pain telling you?
Have you ever suffered from knee pain? The knee is one of the most complex joints of the body. It has multiple structures within and around the joint such as the muscles, meniscus, cartilage, ligaments. Let's talk about the different types of pathologies and how to know where the pain is coming from ....
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