Is your jaw pain related to your poor neck posture?

Is your jaw pain related to your poor neck posture?
The jaw is a joint between the mandible (lower jaw) and temporal bone of the skull. Thus it is called a temporomandibular joint or TMJ.  Jaw pain or pain in the TMJ is a common condition, that can be caused by arthritis or injury or simply tooth ache. But did you know that one of the most common and overlooked cause of TMJ pain is poor posture of the cervical spine, namely forward head posture.  
Here are 5 symptoms that indicate that indicate that you may be suffering from a TMJ or jaw issue ....

5 simple tips to manage your Shoulder Osteoarthritis (OA)

5 simple tips to manage your Shoulder Osteoarthritis (OA)
Shoulder osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that affects the shoulder joint as we age and joints undergo the natural wear and tear process. 
Here are some simple yet effective tips to manage your shoulder osteoarthritis ....

Five reasons why you get pain between the shoulder blades

Five reasons why you get pain between the shoulder blades
Shoulder blades are triangular bones sitting on either side of your thoracic spine in the mid back area. They are also referred to as the scapula. Pain between the shoulder blades is a very common problem. Let's look at the different conditions that can lead to pain between the shoulder blades and their specific symptoms. Once you understand the reason for your pain you can work on the treatment accordingly  .... 

What does a wry neck feel like?

What does a wry neck feel like?
Have you ever developed a sudden and severe stiffness and pain in the neck, with a spasm in the neck muscles? This is known as acute wryneck or torticollis.
Wry neck originates in the cervical spine, either from the facet joint of the spine or the intervertebral disc. The common features of both are .....

Quick and easy desk exercises to avoid spinal (neck and back) pain

Quick and easy desk exercises to avoid spinal (neck and back) pain
Have you ever wondered what is the quickest and easiest way to avoid back pain? 
The answer is very simple and easy to implement …. movement! 
One of the top tips to avoid any kind of spinal pain, whether it is your neck, mid back or lower back pain is to move every 20 to 30 minutes. 
Watch this video for some of more quick and easy movements that you can perform at your desk to avoid spinal pain ....
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