How Long to Wear a Cervical Collar: Everything You Need to Know

How Long to Wear a Cervical Collar: Everything You Need to Know
Most of us have suffered from neck pain at some or the other time in our lives. You may have been prescribed a cervical collar for your pain. A cervical collar is worn around the neck to help support the head and cervical spine. It is often used after a person has suffered a neck injury to keep the spine in alignment and reduce pain. How long you need to wear a cervical collar will vary depending on your situation and the cause of your neck pain. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about a cervical collar, including when you should keep it on! ....


Can tennis elbow pain go up to your shoulder?

Can tennis elbow pain go up to your shoulder?
Tennis elbow is a condition that is caused by inflammation of the bony projection on the outer part of the elbow. This condition can be very painful and can make it difficult to do everyday activities. This condition is often caused by repetitive motions of the arm, such as tennis or other racquet sports. Tennis Elbow pain can extend all the way up to the shoulder and upper arm. In this blog lets discuss how this happens ...


Can poor posture cause pain in the arm?

Can poor posture cause pain in the arm?
Can poor posture cause pain in the arm? The answer to this commonly asked question depends on the origin of arm pain. Arm pain can originate locally in the arm or it could be a referred pain (coming from another part of the body). In this blog, lets discuss if poor posture cause pain in the arm ...

How can I avoid pain in my hands from texting or scrolling?

How can I avoid pain in my hands from texting or scrolling?
Pain in the fingers due to texting and scrolling is a common problem for those who do hours of typing or gaming or scrolling through social media or playing games on the phone. Just a few texts or typing or scrolls are not going to cause these issues but the hours and minutes can add up and gradually build up the stresses on your muscles, ligaments, tendons and other structures of the hand. In this blog lets discuss how you can avoid pain in the hands from texting or scrolling ...


Why do my pain levels and my scan results not coincide?

Why do my pain levels and my scan results not coincide?
Have you ever been to the doctor for back or joint pain and he has advised that go for a scans, i.e. MRI or CT scan or X ray? The scan results come back and they do not coincide with your pain levels. Maybe you have excruciating pain but all your scans show are some minor degenerative changes. Or there are extensive changes in your scans but you don’t have any major pain symptoms. In this blog, lets discuss why your pain levels and scan results may not coincide ...

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