Is your jaw pain related to your poor neck posture?

Is your jaw pain related to your poor neck posture?
The joint between the mandible (lower jaw) and temporal bone of the skull is called a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or Jaw joint.  Jaw pain (TMJ pain) is a common condition that can be caused by arthritis or injury or simply tooth ache. But did you know that one of the most common and overlooked cause of TMJ pain is poor posture of the cervical spine, namely forward head postureIn this blog lets understand more about this pain and discuss 5 symptoms that indicate that you may be suffering from a TMJ or jaw issue ...


A simplified explanation of Shoulder Dislocations

A simplified explanation of Shoulder Dislocations
Shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in our body. However this mobility comes at the cost of stability of the shoulder. The shoulder joint is dependent on the surrounding ligaments and muscles to provide it stability. Thus dislocations are not very uncommon in the shoulder joint. In this blog lets discuss and understand more about shoulder dislocations ...
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