How to Stop Slouching When Sitting: 3 Easy Tips

How to Stop Slouching When Sitting: 3 Easy Tips
Do you slouch when you sit down? Do you often find yourself slouching in your chair, even though you know you shouldn't? If so, you're not alone! Many people slouch without even realising it. This can cause a lot of problems for your spine and overall health. In this blog post, we will discuss three easy tips to help you stop slouching and improve your posture!

These three tips are applicable whether you are using an ergonomic chair or a regular office chair. all these tips will help you .....

Can poor posture cause pain in the arm?

Can poor posture cause pain in the arm?
Can poor posture cause pain in the arm? The answer is yes but it depends on the origin of arm pain and the other associated conditions. Arm pain can originate locally in the arm or it could be a referred pain (coming from another part of the body) .....

How can I avoid pain in my hands from texting or scrolling?

How can I avoid pain in my hands from texting or scrolling?
Can texting and scrolling can cause pain in your fingers? Yes this is a common problem for those who do hours of typing or gaming or scrolling through social media or playing games on the phone. 
Just a few texts or typing or scrolls are not going to cause these issues but the hours and minutes can add up and gradually build up the stresses on your muscles, ligaments, tendons and other structures of the hand. This causes inflammation in your joints and tendons, leading to repetitive stress injuries such as trigger thumbcarpal tunnel syndrome, etc or to bigger issues such as arthritis. 
It is not possible to avoid texting and scrolling in todays world. So lets talk about four simple and easy to implement tips to help you avoid this pain without locking away your laptop and phone ......

Easy tips to manage tech neck (forward head posture) for better and improved sleep patterns

Easy tips to manage tech neck (forward head posture) for better and improved sleep patterns
Tech neck is a poor posture adapted by the neck when a person looks down or protrudes the neck forwards to browse or work on their phone, tablets or laptop. Usually tech neck is associated with prolonged use of devices without keeping the cervical spine in a neutral posture. It is also known as forward head posture, nerd neck or scholars neck. This is a common postural deviation, which affects a majority of the population. 
Apart from the pain and discomfort, tech neck can also cause sleep disturbances.
Here are some easy tips to manage tech neck for better and improved sleep ....

Why do you need to move during your long work hours?

Why do you need to move during your long work hours?
Human bodies were not made for static postures. We are meant to be move at frequent intervals throughout the day. But this has become rare as most of us have a nine to five job and some of us work even longer hours. 
Prolonged static sitting can lead to a poor posture as the body gradually collapses under the strain of lack of movement, leading to aches and pains in different parts of the body. Movement is important whether you are wheelchair bound, or an athlete or anywhere in between these two groups of population. 
Let's look at the four main benefits of movement and how much should we move ....
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