What is the Source of your Dizziness?

What is the Source of your Dizziness?
Dizziness is a very common occurrence in todays population. However when we get dizzy for the first time it is not easy to figure out the reason for this as dizziness can be caused by multiple problems
In this blog we will discuss a common problems that can cause dizziness and their specific symptoms. Interestingly enough some of the symptoms can give you an idea of where the dizziness is coming from. Once you understand the reason for your dizziness you can work on the treatment with your healthcare provider accordingly. 

Cervical spine disorders .......

What is the cause of your neck pain?

What is the cause of your neck pain?
Have you ever suffered from neck pain? 

Let's talk about the different problems that can lead to neck pain and how you can tell where the pain is coming from. If you understand the reason for your pain you can work on the treatment with your healthcare provider accordingly. 

Here are two of the most common conditions seen in the neck:

Herniated cervical disc .....

Can a Weak Core Cause Poor Posture?

 Can a Weak Core Cause Poor Posture?
If you have a poor posture you may have tried to correct it at some or the other time to find yourself slouching again after a few minutes or hours of not paying attention to your posture. When you correct it again this cycle continues and it seems like an impossible task to break out of a poor posture. A poor posture can be caused due to many reasons, one of them being a weak core. If we know how to correct this basic cause, it is easier to transition towards a good posture. In addition to this, a poor core can also cause other issues such as back pain, neck pain, etc. In this blog let's discuss how a weak core contributes to a poor posture ....

Can a herniated/slip discs go back to its normal position?

Can a herniated/slip discs go back to its normal position?
A herniated or slipped disc in the spine is relatively common in middle aged population. But can be seen in younger people as well. One of the commonest question when it comes to a herniated disc is whether it will go back to its normal position. In this blog, lets discuss what is a disc, how does it ‘slip’ and if a slipped disc ever goes back to its original position .....

How can you reduce Inflammation in your body naturally?

How can you reduce Inflammation in your body naturally?
Inflammation in the body can contribute to many diseases in our body from cancer to respiratory diseases to spine (back & neck) and joint pain. 
In this blog we will discuss what is inflammation and some tips to reduce it naturally. 
Inflammation has five typical signs: pain, swelling, redness, increased temperature and loss of function. When an area is inflamed, you may see ....
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