We are all aware of how important water is for our daily survival. 70% of our body is made up of water. It carries out important functions in the body, such as carrying nutrients to all the cells of the body, aids in digestion, helps our brain to function optimally and much more.
When we don’t have enough water content in our body, dehydration sets in. The common signs of dehydration are:
1. Dizziness
2. Confusion or brain fog
3. Headache
4. Dry lips and mouth
5. Thirsty
6. Inability to sweat
7. Generalised weakness or fatigue
8. Chills and/or fever
9. Low blood pressure
10. Constipation
11. Urinary tract infection
11. Urinary tract infection
12.Dark coloured urine
However there are other lesser known causes of dehydration such as:
#1. Bad breath: Saliva has antibacterial properties. Lack of saliva production due to dehydration can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, which can cause bad breath
#2. Dry or flushed skin: Unlike the popular notion that dehydration can lead to sweating, it can lead to dry or flushed skin
#3. Muscle cramps: As the muscles work harder and harder, they can seize up from the heat itself. Changes in the electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, can lead to muscle cramping as well. When your body loses enough fluid, it’s unable to cool itself off adequately, leading to heat stroke.
#4. Craving for sweet food: Organs such as liver use water to release glycogen and other components of your energy stores. When you are dehydrated, it can be difficult for the liver to do so, thus making you crave for sugar.
Have you ever wondered why is poor hydration dangerous? Apart from the above signs of dehydration, it can also lead to serious complications such as:
#1. Heat injury: If you don't hydrate yourself during your exercise and perspire heavily, you may end up with a heat injury. This could range from mild cramps to moderate exhaustion to severe life-threatening heat strokes.
#2. Urinary and kidney problems: When you are dehydrated, wastes and toxic materials build up in the kidneys. Prolonged or repeated bouts of dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections and kidney stones, both of which can cause long-term kidney damage. This further minimises the kidneys ability to remove wastes and keep you healthy.
#3. Seizures: The normal electrical messages in the muscles can become mixed up if your electrolytes are out of balance. This can result in involuntary muscle contractions and even loss of consciousness.
#4. Shock due to low blood volume (hypovolemic shock): This is one of the most serious and life-threatening complications of dehydration. This occurs when low blood volume in the body causes low blood pressure and a decrease in the total amount of oxygen in your body.
Thankfully, drinking water is a simple inexpensive activity that we can do anytime. Join my free community for a hydration challenge that will keep you accountable for hydrating yourself. Thereafter it is only a matter of practise to turn an action into a habit and keeping yourself hydrated. We also discuss how to manage your neck, back, joint and nerve pain in this community, in a judgement free and friendly zone.
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