8 Easy Tips to Start Exercising with Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, can be a real setback for active executive mums. This condition, characterized by pain on the outer part of the elbow, often arises not just from sports but from any repetitive gripping activities such as typing, carrying heavy bags, or even routine parenting tasks like lifting your child. In this blog, lets discuss some tips on modifying your exercise regimen in order to maintain an active lifestyle with tennis elbow.  
Here's how you can keep moving safely, to avoid aggravating your elbow pain:
Prioritize Low-Impact Cardio and Leg Workouts: You can continue with cardio exercises and lower-body workouts, which typically do not strain your elbow. Activities like walking, running, or using an elliptical machine are excellent choices.
Modify Upper Body Exercises: For upper body workouts, avoid movements that cause pain in your elbow. This might mean switching from free weights to resistance bands which tend to be easier on your joints, or reducing the weight and decresing the repetitions.
Pay attention to your posture: Proper spinal alignment is crucial, especially in the cervical spine, as poor posture can lead to radiating nerve pain down to the arms and forearms. Aim to keep your wrists in a neutral position—not bent upwards, downwards, or to the sides. Consider using an ergonomic mouse and wrist support to maintain this position. This simple adjustment can significantly reduce tension in the forearm muscles, thereby alleviating elbow pain.
Tennis Elbow Brace: Use these during your exercises for additional support to the elbow and forearm and to avoid avoidable injury to this area. HERE are the brace and sleeve that I have used and recommend for Tennis Elbow

Focus on the Whole Arm and Shoulder: Apart from strengthening your forearm muscles, you can benefit from exercises that target not only the forearm but also the cervical muscles, triceps, and shoulder blades. This holistic approach helps improve muscle balance and alignment, reducing the strain on any one part.
Warm-Up Properly: A proper warm-up is crucial before starting any physical activity, especially when you are dealing with a condition like tennis elbow. Gentle stretches and light activity can prepare your muscles and joints for the workout ahead, reducing the risk of aggravating your condition.
Rest and Recovery: Don't push through pain. If certain exercises make your elbow hurt, modify or skip them until your elbow feels better. Allow time for recovery, particularly after intense activities.
Ice and Elevation: After exercising, if your elbow feels sore, applying ice can help reduce inflammation and pain. Elevating your arm can also decrease swelling. HERE are the cold packs that I use and recommend. 
In conclusion, it is important not to rush your recovery. Start with gentle, low-impact activities and gradually increase intensity as your pain allows. If your symptoms worsen, it may be wise to pause and restrict your self to cold packs to ease the inflammation and gentle stretches within the pain free range. As the pain subsides and your strength returns, you can begin to reintroduce more activities carefully.

If you suffer from elbow pain and are not sure if the source is Tennis Elbow HERE is a free guide to "What is the source of your Elbow Pain?"
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