Are You Suffering From Cervicogenic Headaches?
Do you have a headache that has been bothering you but you just can’t find the source for it? Headaches are a common occurrence for some people and they can originate from a number of sources. But did you know that headaches can also originate from the upper part of the neck? They are called Cervicogenic Headaches or Cervical Headaches. In this blog lets discuss the main signs that indicate that you are suffering from Cervicogenic Headaches.
Cervicogenic headaches can be caused by excessive stresses placed on the upper cervical spine. This could be due to trauma, whiplash injuries, degeneration of the cervical spine such as cervical spondylosis or bad posture such as a forward head posture or improper sleeping posture.
Watch this video for more details on how cervicogenic headaches occur:
Here are five ways to know if you have a cervicogenic headache:
#1. A typical pattern of cervicogenic headaches is the dull achy pain that originate in the neck and radiates up into the side of the head, behind the ears or even into the front of the head or the eyes. The nerves that exit from the sides of the upper to mid cervical vertebras supply the head . When these nerves are irritated it can manifest as pain in the head. 
#2. The headache is usually accompanied by a stiffness in the neck. However, if you have had stiffness for a long time you may not feel it till you firmly touch or apply mild pressure to the neck muscles. 
#3. Cervical headaches are one sided and do not shift from side to side. When the nerves are sending the pain signals into one side of the head, the headache stays on that particular side. This is unlike a tension type of headache which is usually across the forehead and more diffuse or a migraine which is a pounding pain over the whole head. 
#4. Pain from cervicogenic headaches is usually aggravated by certain neck movements and relieved by massaging the neck muscles. There can be a loss of range on certain movements. This is not seen in other types of headaches. 
#5. Cervicogenic headaches can be associated with double vision, fainting, nausea and vomiting. These features are similar to a migraine headache but a distinguishing feature is the light sensitivity that is present in migraine headaches. 
Get the course on "Simple Solutions to Manage your Cervicogenic Headache" HERE.  This course offers practical, easy-to-implement proven strategies that actually work and have helped countless people to  overcome their pain, regain energy, and fully engage with their families and careers.

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