How do you know if you have Flat (Pronated) Feet?

How do you know if you have Flat (Pronated) Feet?
As mums we stand for long hours. Additionally if you have a job that involves hours at a standing desk or otherwise, there are chances that this could be contributing towards your flat feet. Having flat feet, also known as a pronated foot, is a condition where one or both feet have little to no arch. When you stand you should be able to see these arches in your feet and their absence can lead to pain in the foot or changes in your walking pattern ..... Lets discuss more about flat or pronated feet in this blog ....

How does Shockwave Therapy help with Tennis Elbow?

How does Shockwave Therapy help with Tennis Elbow?
As mums, many of us suffer from Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) with the prolonged typing and use of our hands, whether at home or at work. Tennis elbow can cause excruciating pain in the outer elbow due to the inflammation in this area. There are many treatments for this condition but a popular one is the Shock Wave Therapy (SWT). But does it really help with Tennis Elbow? Lets discuss more in this blog about what is Shockwave Therapy and how it works and helps in the treatment of Tennis Elbow ....

Does a poor posture affect bladder control (urinary incontinence)?

 Does a poor posture affect bladder control (urinary incontinence)?
If you have a poor posture this could be contributing to your weak bladder control or urinary incontinence. In this blog we will discuss how a poor posture affects bladder control and two ways to manage this. 
As working mums you might have long hours at work, frequent travelling, static sitting in long meetings. All of these along with lack of exercise due to a busy lifestyle can contribute towards a poor posture, which can in turn lead to back and spinal pain. In addition to this, the body undergoes a lot of physical stresses from pregnancy to childbirth to taking care of the kids ....

How can you reduce Inflammation in your body naturally?

How can you reduce Inflammation in your body naturally?
Inflammation in the body can contribute to many diseases in our body from cancer to respiratory diseases to spine (back & neck) and joint pain. 
In this blog we will discuss what is inflammation and some tips to reduce it naturally. 
Inflammation has five typical signs: pain, swelling, redness, increased temperature and loss of function. When an area is inflamed, you may see ....

What is the cause of your recurrent back pain?

What is the cause of your recurrent back pain?
Do you have recurrent low back pain and wonder if your back pain will ever go away?  Does every little strain on the back turns into a full-blown back pain or do you get a lingering ache or tiredness in your back muscles, even though the acute back pain has resolved? The answer to your recurrent back pain is .....

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