5 Common Reasons Why You Get Back Pain After Childbirth
Back pain after childbirth is a common issue, with studies suggesting that up to 75% of new mums experience it. For executive mums, who often juggle long hours at work with home responsibilities, the physical strain can be even more pronounced. Understanding the causes of postnatal back pain can help in finding effective ways to manage it and stay productive at work and home. In this blog, lets explore some common reasons why back pain tends to linger post-delivery.

Hormonal Changes: During pregnancy, hormones relax the ligaments to prepare for childbirth. These lax ligaments can continue to affect joint stability post-delivery, leading to lower back discomfort.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Pregnancy and childbirth place significant stress on the pelvic floor muscles, which support the spine and pelvis. Weakness in these muscles post-childbirth can lead to back pain, as they are a key part of your core.

Postural Changes: The weight of carrying a baby during pregnancy often tilts the pelvis forward, straining the lower back. After childbirth, the body adjusts again, but poor postural habits can continue to cause back pain as you balance work and motherhood.

Physical Demands of Motherhood: Mums constantly lift, carry, and feed their babies. Lifting incorrectly or carrying a child on one side can lead to muscle imbalances and back pain. Feeding positions are also a factor—spending long periods in unsupportive positions can further exacerbate postural issues and back strain.

Core Strength: The abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy, which can lead to weakened core strength postpartum. Without proper core engagement, the back muscles often overcompensate, leading to pain and strain.

Managing postnatal back pain often involves addressing these areas through targeted exercises, better posture, and taking breaks to relieve strain. With the added responsibilities of work, finding practical solutions is essential for overall well-being. 

HERE are some Quick Office Stretches for Back Pain Relief. These are simple yet powerful stretches that can help you to manage your back pain. They can be done at home with your baby or during your hectic workday. 

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