Can knee arthritis go away with weight loss?

Can knee arthritis go away with weight loss?
If you have arthritis of the knee your doctor may have advised you to lose weight. This is a generic advice given by doctors or healthcare professionals to every patient with OA (osteoarthritis)  knees.  However it is not easy as most exercises can flare up your knee pain and unless you manage the trifecta of exercise, a healthy diet and reduction of inflammation in the knees, weight loss seems like an impossible achievement. In this blog we will discuss if knee arthritis can go away with weight loss, what kind of exercises can help you and most importantly how to reduce inflammation in your knee. (These components are applicable to all painful joints in the body) ....

3 Myths about Spinal (Neck & Back) and Joint pain

3 Myths about Spinal (Neck & Back) and Joint pain
If you suffer from spinal (neck & back) and joint pain you might have heard people say that this is a normal part of the ageing process but have you ever wondered how some people can stay fit and healthy even as they age? Have you seen 90 year olds doing inversion exercises with the ease of a little child? How are their bodies any different from ours? In this blog, lets discuss three common myths about spinal (neck & back) and joint pain, along with a simple solution that actually works .... 
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