5 signs that indicate that you may be suffering from Shoulder Bursitis
Bursa is a fluid-filled sac that serves as a cushion between your joints, bones, muscles, and tendons to keep your joints moving smoothly. When any of the bursa get inflamed, this condition is known as bursitis. With bursitis, the bursa becomes inflamed, causing a decrease in the cushioned space, restriction in your shoulder’s movement, and pain. In this blog lets discuss 5 signs that indicate that you may be suffering from Shoulder Bursitis.
The shoulder complex is a set of joints between the shoulder, collar bone (clavicle), shoulder blade (scapula) and the thoracic spine. This is a complicated area with six main bursa, any of which can be involved in bursitis. Here are 5 signs that indicate that you may be suffering from shoulder bursitis:

1. You have pain in your shoulder. 
When bursitis is in its early stages, you may feel a pinching pain deep inside your shoulder, seen more with overhead activities. If not treated the pain gradually increases and you may get pain even at rest. Usually the pain refers from the outer edge of the shoulder towards the elbow. As the bursitis progresses it may become increasingly difficult to reach behind the back, such as to zip a dress

2. Your pain is worse after repetitive activities or prolonged rest.
 The pain may get worse after prolonged repetitive shoulder movements such as playing the violin, painting, playing tennis or throwing a ball. The same is true for pain after not moving the shoulder for a prolonged period of time. 

3. Your shoulder is tender to touch, disrupting sleep at night
In addition to being tender and sensitive to deep touch, your shoulder feels uncomfortable if you sleep on it. This may lead to interrupted sleep patterns.

4. You feel a weakness in your shoulder muscles.
You may feel that the affected side is weaker and you may not be able to hang a bag on the affected shoulder or grip with your hands as well as the unaffected side.

5. You have a fever and feel tired - This is seen only in people who have an infective shoulder bursitis. These are general symptoms and indicate shoulder bursitis only when present with the above mentioned symptoms. 

Watch this video to know more details about how bursitis occurs and manifests in the shoulder complex, along with a brief outline of the management of bursitis. 

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