Forward Head Posture is a poor posture seen at the neck in which the head is situated forwards as compared to the rest of the body. It can lead to other postural deviations such as rounded shoulders and slouching at the mid back and pain in the neck, shoulders and midback. In this blog lets discuss three ways in which you can tell if you have a Forward Head Posture.
Forward head posture is commonly seen in those who work with computers and constantly spend hours in front of a screen or looking down at a phone. When you have a forward head posture the compressive loading on the spine increases, specially your cervical spine and shoulders. This can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulder and mid back as well as decrease energy levels and sleep disturbances. It can cause other problems such as earlier degeneration on the spine, jaw pain, cervicogenic headaches and an increase in existing disc issues, stenosis, arthritis in the spine, etc.
Watch this video to understand Forward Head Posture:
These are three easy ways to determine if you have a forward head posture:
Firstly, stand sideways and look at your image in the mirror. If your ear lobe is in the same line as the tip of your shoulder you don’t have a forward head posture. If your ear lobe lies in front of the tip of the shoulder you have a forward head posture.
Secondly you can do the wall test where you stand with your back against the wall, with the shoulder blades, buttocks and calf touching the wall. If the back of the head doesn’t touch the wall, then you may have a forward head posture.
Thirdly, if you have a small hump in the area right under the curve of your neck, i.e. the junction of your neck (cervical spine) and upper back (thoracic spine) then you may have a forward head posture.
If you are looking for simple tips and tricks to achieve and maintain a good posture you can jump into my free community. I have done a training on "Posture Tips and Tricks" and many other free trainings for spinal (back & neck) and joint pain on this community.
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