As an executive mum managing a high-stress job and dealing with physical discomfort like neck, back or nerve pain, understanding the difference between neuralgia and nerve pain can be helpful for finding the right treatment options. In this blog lets discuss neuralgia and nerve pain and how they differ from each other.

Neuralgia is a specific type of nerve pain. The difference between neuralgia and nerve pain lies in the symptoms and causes of each condition. Nerve pain refers to general dysfunctions of the nerves. It often involves a constant, dull ache or tingling numbness, whereas neuralgia tends to be sharper and more episodic. Watch this video to learn more about nerve pain:

Neuralgia is a specific type of localised nerve pain that comes in sharp, shooting sensations along a specific damaged nerve. Unlike the dull ache or numbness that can accompany general nerve pain neuralgia often feels more sudden, like an electric jolt. It is often triggered by everyday activities like brushing your teeth or turning your head. It’s most commonly experienced in areas like the face, neck, and back, but can affect any part of the body.

These are common examples of neuralgia:
Trigeminal Neuralgia: Affects the face, causing severe, brief episodes of pain triggered by actions like brushing your teeth or touching your face or simple movements like eating or talking.

Postherpetic Neuralgia: Can develop after a shingles outbreak, causing long-term, burning pain, even after the rash of herpes has healed.

Occipital Neuralgia: Pain that starts from the base of the skull and can extend toward the forehead, often mistaken for a tension headache.

HERE is a free guide on "How can you manage your nerve pain?" where you can get more information about what are nerve pains, how do you know if you are suffering from nerve pains, simple solutions to manage your nerve pain and much more. 

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