What Is The Difference Between Neurogenic And Vascular Claudication?
As an executive mum managing both a demanding job and younger kids, you are likely always on the go. If you are dealing with leg pain while walking or standing, it could be due to claudication. However there are two types: neurogenic and vascular claudication, which are very different conditions and understanding the differences can help you manage symptoms effectively. In this blog lets discuss what these two conditions are and the difference between them. 

Claudication is a term used to describe leg pain, heaviness and/or weakness with walking. Vascular claudication is related to blood flow issues, primarily due to peripheral artery disease. In this condition, narrowed blood vessels restrict blood flow, particularly during activity when muscles require more oxygen. This leads to cramping or aching pain, often relieved by rest. 

Neurogenic claudication on the other hand, stems from spinal issues, like spinal stenosis, where the spinal canal narrows and compresses nerves. This can cause pain that radiates from the lower back down the legs, often accompanied by tingling or numbness. Unlike vascular claudication, leaning forward, like when pushing a shopping cart, may relieve the pain temporarily.

Watch this video to learn more on What Is Neurogenic Claudication?

While both types of claudication can cause leg pain, they have distinct causes and relief mechanisms. Vascular claudication is typically due to poor blood flow, while neurogenic claudication is nerve-related. Neurogenic claudication is a nerve-related condition that causes discomfort in the lower back, legs, hips, and buttocks, often due to spinal stenosis. Unlike vascular claudication, which is caused by restricted blood flow to leg muscles, neurogenic claudication involves symptoms like tingling, cramping, or even heaviness in the legs. These symptoms often worsen when standing or walking and tend to improve when leaning forward or sitting. One of the main pillars of managing neurological claudication is to lower the inflammation in the spine and nerve. 

If you want to learn more about how to reduce your inflammation the 11 day jumpstart is a free program that helps to manage inflammation in the body, including the spine. You can find the details HERE.

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