In the busy world of modern motherhood, the daily juggle of executive responsibilities and the household demands can often take a toll on your neck, resulting in pain and inflammation. In this 2 part blog lets discuss the causes of neck inflammation, how long it takes to subside and some simple tips to manage your neck pain and inflammation ...
Read more...Whether its keeping up with work demands or chasing after young children, executive mums have their hands full. Amidst this active lifestyle, experiencing dizziness can be both distressing and disruptive. Known as Cervicogenic Dizziness or Cervical Vertigo, this condition stems from issues in the neck. Managing cervical vertigo requires a dual approach—seeking medical advice and adapting lifestyle strategies. In this blog lets discuss these simple strategies for busy mums to keep dizziness at bay and reduce the likelihood of Cervicogenic Dizziness ...
Read more...Imagine the scene – it's the height of the morning rush, you're in the middle of a bustling meeting, and all of a sudden, a wave of dizziness hits you. It's a startling moment for anyone, an intrusive pause in the flow of life. For executive moms who are expertly choreographing a life that involves multiple schedules, a bout of unexplained dizziness can be particularly disquieting. And, while it might be easy to brush it off as a passing sensation, it is vital to pause and consider the underlying cause. Dizziness is not just a disorder experienced by the elderly; it can affect individuals across various age groups. In this blog lets discuss one of the lesser known forms of vertigo: cervicogenic dizziness ...
Read more...Sciatica can make the simplest daily activities, like sitting, an ordeal. Sciatica originates in the sciatic nerve and can be quite debilitating to say the least. It can be particularly hard for those who sit for long hours and even more so for mums managing motherhood with executive roles. That's why nailing down comfort in your sitting routine isn't just about getting through the day—it's about enhancing your quality of life. In this blog post, lets discuss why finding a comfortable sitting position is essential and provide you with practical and simple tips to minimise your discomfort ...
Nerve pain when sleeping isn't simply about occasional aches. It is a persistent discomfort that can impact your night time sleep. Working moms are particularly susceptible to nerve pain as a result of physical demands of office work and childcare. It's imperative to address this issue rather than endure it silently. In this blog lets discuss some simple tips to relieve nerve pain in the legs while sleeping ....