As a busy executive mum, balancing the demands of a high-powered career with the joys and challenges of motherhood, you’re no stranger to the physical toll that both pregnancy and postpartum life can take on your body. If you’re experiencing mid-back pain after delivering your baby, you are not alone. Many new mums find themselves dealing with various aches and pains postpartum, and mid-back discomfort is one of the most common complaints. In this blog lets discuss some of the common reasons for postpartum mid back pain.
Postural Changes During Pregnancy Pregnancy brings significant changes to your posture as your body adapts to the growing baby. The weight of your expanding belly shifts your center of gravity, causing your spine to curve more than usual. This can lead to muscle imbalances, where certain muscles overwork to compensate for this shift, and others become weakened or strained. Postpartum, your body may still be adjusting to its pre-pregnancy alignment, leading to ongoing strain and pain in the mid-back region.
Weakened Core Muscles During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles stretch to accommodate your baby, often resulting in weakened core muscles postpartum. Without a strong core, your mid-back muscles work overtime to support your upper body and maintain posture, often leading to fatigue and pain. This is especially true for executive mums who may spend long hours sitting at a desk, where weakened core and back muscles may not support prolonged sitting without discomfort.
Breastfeeding and Baby Care Posture The physical demands of breastfeeding, holding, and rocking your baby can place additional strain on your mid-back. Many mums unconsciously hunch forward during feeding or cradle their babies in one arm, creating tension in the muscles around the spine and shoulders. Repeating these motions multiple times a day, often for extended periods, can lead to chronic mid-back pain.
Hormonal Changes and Ligament Laxity Hormones like relaxin, which increase during pregnancy, help loosen the joints and ligaments in preparation for childbirth. However, these hormones linger in your body postpartum, causing continued joint laxity, especially around the spine. This extra movement can strain the mid-back area, especially as your body works to regain stability and strength.
Here are 3 tips to manage Mid-back Pain caused by sitting:
To alleviate mid-back pain after delivery, consider implementing these strategies:
Focus on Posture: Be mindful of your posture, particularly while breastfeeding or sitting at a desk. Ensure you have proper support for your lower back to reduce strain on your mid-back.
Strengthen Your Core: Rebuilding core strength gradually can provide better support for your spine and reduce mid-back discomfort.
Take Breaks and Stretch: Regularly take breaks to stretch and move, especially during long periods of sitting or baby care.
HERE is a free guide on "How to avoid Mid-back Pain while sitting'
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