What is the cause of your recurrent back pain?

What is the cause of your recurrent back pain?
Do you have recurrent low back pain and wonder if your back pain will ever go away?  Does every little strain on the back turns into a full-blown back pain or do you get a lingering ache or tiredness in your back muscles, even though the acute back pain has resolved? The answer to your recurrent back pain is .....


What is a proper posture when working from home?

What is a proper posture when working from home?
Work from home is the new normal for majority of us after the pandemic. In this blog we will discuss how to maintain a good posture while working from home. These are simple and easy tips that you can implement today into your daily schedule. 

Firstly, check the .... 

What are the 5 main signs of poor posture?

What are the 5 main signs of poor posture?
It is very common for many people to start off sitting upright in your chair and as the day goes past, they slouch into their chair. Even though they correct their posture multiple times, they end up in a slumped posture once again. If this scenario describes your day, you may have a poor posture. In this blog we will discuss five main signs of a poor posture and how they can lead to aches and pains in your spine and joints. A poor posture can also lead to other issues such as nerve pains, constipation, gastric issues, urinary incontinence and bladder issues, etc. 
The first sign of a poor posture is .....

Can your Neck Problem Cause Tennis Elbow Pain?

 Can your Neck Problem Cause Tennis Elbow Pain?
Have you had a long standing tennis elbow pain and also suffer from neck pain? It is possible that your cervical (neck) problem is mimicking your elbow pain.

In this blog we will discuss the co-relation between neck pain and tennis elbow pain and how to differentiate if your tennis elbow pain is localised to the elbow or being caused by your neck pain or whether your tennis elbow and neck pain co-exist ... 

How Should You sleep with a Pinched Nerve in Your Back?

How Should You sleep with a Pinched Nerve in Your Back?
As working mums our daily routine can involve activities that stress our spine, such as static sitting in long meetings or constant work travels or just carrying your baby or toddler or driving to and from classes with the kids. All this takes a toll on our neck and back if we are not mindful of our posture during these everyday tasks. To add to it all we are sometimes so exhausted at the end of the day that a good sleeping posture is probably the last thing on our mind. 
If you have woken up to pain and/or numbness in the back and legs, maybe even going up to your toes you may have slept in a poor posture and a pinched nerve could be the reason for this discomfort. In this blog we will discuss how to sleep if you suffer from or want to avoid nerve pain in your back ....
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