4 Easy Tips To Manage Postpartum Back Pain
Postpartum back pain or back pain after childbirth is a common issue, especially for executive mums who juggle demanding work schedules and the physical strains of new motherhood. Navigating postpartum back pain as a busy executive mum can be challenging, but simple adjustments can provide relief. In this blog, lets discuss how to ease postpartum back pain. 

The physical changes during pregnancy, like an expanding uterus, weight gain and hormonal shifts, can significantly alter your posture and weaken core muscles, putting extra pressure on your back. Additionally, the strain of constantly lifting, carrying, and breastfeeding your baby can lead to muscle fatigue and discomfort, especially in the upper back and neck. Here are some simple tips to manage your postpartum back pain: 

Use Support: Pillows and cushions can provide crucial support. When sitting, roll up a towel or use a lumbar support to support the muscles in the curve of the lumbar spine. You can use a body pillow while sleeping to fully support your spine in a neutral alignment. The body pillow can also be used when breastfeeding to bring the baby to the level of your breast rather than bending over and rounding your mid back to feed the baby in your lap. This will prevent lower and mid back pain. If you need to stand for long periods, rest one foot on a low stool to alleviate strain on your lower back. Shift weight by resting one foot on the stool and then swapping feet on stool after 15 to 20 minutes or earlier if you feel the need to do so.  A good standing posture also plays a crucial role in preventing back pain. 

Engage in Gentle ExercisesThere is no fixed time to return to exercises after childbirth. Every postpartum and pregnancy experience is different and thus the need and readiness of the body to return to exercise varies. Restoring core strength is essential for recovery. Start with low-impact gentle exercises like pelvic tilts, gentle stretches, and short walks. Postnatal yoga can also help rebuild muscle strength and flexibility without overexertion. In case you feel that exercise has aggravated yourback pain, use a cold pack or hot pack to relieve the pain. 

Here is a video on When should you use a Cold Pack or a Hot Pack?

Make Time for Relaxation: Taking breaks and resting is just as important as physical activity. Being a new mum can be overwhelming, especially if you are dealing with spinal (neck and back) pain. Your body needs time to heal, so rest is crucial. Build in time for relaxation into your day. Alternate hot and cold packs for pain relief, take deep breaths to manage stress, use essential oils, unwind with a warm bath, get a massage and allow yourself time to unwind while others help with baby care.

Practice Good Posture: Being mindful of posture is crucial. When breastfeeding or holding your baby, use a supportive chair, bring the baby to you, and avoid hunching. For lifting anything from the floor, bend at your knees and squat instead of bending your back. Avoid prolonged sitting while feeding or falling asleep while holding the baby in sitting. Static sitting for long periods of time can increase the stress on your spinal disc with time. Remember to get up and move or do chair based exercises. 

HERE is a free video guide on "Quick and Easy Desk Based Exercises to avoid spinal & joint pain" These are simple and easy exercises that can be done in under 2-3 minutes while sitting at your desk at work or from the comfort of your home. 

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