Can you have tennis and golfers elbow at the same time?
As a hard-working executive mum, you are no stranger to juggling multiple responsibilities. Whether you're leading boardroom meetings or cheering on the sidelines at your kids sports events, your lifestyle demands both physical and mental agility. But this dynamic routine also exposes you to the risk of repetitive strain injuries, such as golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow. In this blog lets discuss if it is possible to experience both conditions simultaneously, either in the same elbow or on different sides of the body.

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are forms of tendinitis that stem from overuse of the forearm muscles and are characterised by inflammation in the elbow. These injuries are commonly linked to tennis and golf but can also occur in individuals engaged in any activities requiring repetitive arm movements. This includes not just athletes but also executive mums who might spend considerable time doing repeated typing, driving, or lifting. 

It is possible to get both tennis elbow and golfer's elbow simultaneously due to the heavy use of both the lateral and medial sides of the forearm. This dual strain is often seen in those who play tennis or golf, engage in rock climbing, or perform physical jobs like construction or plumbing. You might find similar strains creeping in from daily tasks that involve lifting, gripping, or repetitive arm movements.

The typical symptom of both these conditions is pain around the elbow due to inflammation in the area, potentially extending into the forearm and wrist. It maybe painful to perform tasks like opening jars, shaking hands, opening door knobs, wringing out clothes, gripping objects, or carrying a weight. If left unaddressed, these symptoms can escalate, severely impacting your ability to perform both at work and home.

Preventing these injuries starts with ergonomic awareness—adjust your workspace to avoid poor posture and reduce strain. Take regular breaks and incorporate gentle desk based stretching exercises into your daily routine to mitigate risk. If symptoms appear, don’t delay in addressing them. 

Managing both conditions involves similar strategies aimed at reducing pain, inflammation, and preventing further strain:
  • Rest and Ice: Allow your elbow to heal by avoiding aggravating activities. A cold pack can help reduce inflammation.
  • Stretching and Strengthening: Engage in gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to enhance tendon resilience.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Optimize your workspace to minimize strain on your elbows. Practice proper techniques when lifting or carrying objects.
  • Bracing: Using an elbow brace can offer support and reduce tendon strain.

If you suffer from elbow pain and are not sure if the source is Tennis Elbow HERE is a free guide to "What is the source of your Elbow Pain?"
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